How to Know You’re Bullied in Your Relationship
Poor Byron.
His friends just wouldn’t leave him alone after knowing he kept a diary for himself. They kept on teasing him about it all day, not seeming to care about his feelings at all.
You’ve always been aware of bullying, how prevalent it is, what measures can be done to overcome it, and how it continues to happen. But the fact is, what you know about it is only a far-fetched truth.
Bullying can happen within relationships and marriages. It emphasizes the imbalance of power and how destructive it can be to the bullied party.
Not everyone may be ready to talk about it, but gaining awareness about the matter can help you, your relationship, and your loved ones. Switch on your radar and look out for the following signs of bullying in a relationship:
1. They talk down on you.
A partner who looks down on you also talks in the same manner. For them, you’re way below their level. Regardless of whether they’re pleading for a favor or simply asking a question, they don’t know how to talk nicely at all.
Worse, they might even belittle you by talking to you as if you’re a child who doesn’t understand.
2. They always play the blame game.
Blaming is not healthy. All it does is put stress on the other person, making them believe they’re incompetent, weak, and inexperienced to fulfill their role in the relationship. And that could be you.
Bullies never look in the mirror. All they’re good at is pointing fingers and attacking you for the mistake they want to believe you’ve made.
3. They easily criticize you.
Your partner will babble about all of their frustrations, disappointments, and animosity towards you instead of looking deeply into the problem. If they’re furious about something, they’ll most likely attack you by saying, “What did you do this time? Just what is it about you that you keep doing the wrong thing?”
4. They sound terrifying, even when talking to others.
If your partner can barely afford to be kind to strangers, how much more to you?
You’ll see the goodness of a person depending on how they treat and talk to people. If they can be empathetic and considerate to others, there’s no doubt they can be the same towards you.
But if they talk to others as if everyone’s out to get them, that’s a sign that they’re a bully.
5. They are so full of themselves.
It’s a problem when you’re with someone who thinks they can do nothing wrong. Their overly inflated sense of ego can and will always affect the health of your relationship, as well as you.
Most bullies are likely to have a narcissistic personality disorder. They think they’re so much better than you in all aspects.
Keeping a relationship healthy is complicated. Add to that an insensitive bully as a partner, and you’re in for a rollercoaster ride of emotions.
True, a lot about life is beyond your control, but there’s no sense in believing you can’t choose the people in your life.
That said, always be with someone who makes you feel whole.
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