Tried and True Ways of Making a Filipina Like You

Chantana Sun
5 min readDec 13, 2023

They can only be called “tried and true” if someone really did do them and succeeded, right?

Fortunately, it’s not that difficult to make a woman like you. Some will argue, but that’s probably because their approach was either too weak or too strong, or they were simply unlucky enough to be attracted to a woman who doesn’t feel the same way.

a beautiful Asian woman in white staring out into space
Photo by Pj Go on Unsplash

Still, everything is fair under the sun. As long as you’re a decent man, at least.

Filipinas aren’t some mythical creatures that you need to do heavy research on in order to get one’s attention. They may be foreign to you, but winning one’s heart is basically the same as winning any other woman’s heart. You just have to keep a few tips in mind and be familiar with their culture and values.

So how do you make a Filipina woman fall for you?

Show that you’re a family man

If you have a Filipino friend or colleague, then you know how family is very important to Filipinos in general. A lot of the time, they uproot themselves to go work abroad just so they can provide for their families.

It’s not uncommon for a Filipino to mold their own dreams and aspirations based on whatever situation they have with their families.

The fact of the matter here is that family is a priority to these people. So watch what you say or do when you’re with your Filipina date. She will pay attention to what you say about your family or hers, as it will be a reflection of your own values as a person.

Whether you are talking about your family or someone else’s, you should be very respectful.

She will determine whether you will be a good husband and a good father based on how you talk about your parents. If you say you don’t want kids, that will disappoint her, even if she says she doesn’t want kids.

Show her that you are husband material. Show that you not only know how to provide by being a generous man during your dates, but are also capable of being a father. You can easily show this by how you talk about children in general.

Show that you can cook

Most Asian women know their way around the house and the kitchen because it’s been taught to them by their mothers at a young age. After all, how would you survive living on your own if you don’t know how to take care of yourself?

The modern era has shown us that it’s not just the women that should know how to cook and clean or take care of a baby. Still, Filipinas fulfill their roles in the household. Once they’re married, they know that the heavy responsibility of keeping up the fort will fall on them.

So imagine if she isn’t doing that alone.

Here’s a fun fact: Women love a man who can cook. To them, there’s just something sexy about a man who knows his way around the kitchen and is capable of cooking up a hearty meal or tasty dessert.

If you and your girlfriend are at a point where you can take her home for a dinner date, then cook for her. If you’re skilled enough, you can even show her a little performance. It’s a little romantic when you and your date are in the kitchen together. If she wants to help cook, then all the better.

You two can cook together, which is already a great date idea all on its own.

Be generous

Here’s a not-so-fun fact: A lot of Asian women will judge you based on your financial status. And this is because they live in developing countries and are hoping that the man they will marry can provide for them and maybe even spoil them from time to time.

Living in poverty is, to grossly oversimplify it, hard.

Most of these women grew up in unfortunate circumstances. They see all these movies about Americans who have it so much better than them and realize that that’s what they want in their lives. The freedom to buy whatever they fancy when they’re celebrating an achievement or occasion and the luxury of saving their parents and siblings from circumstances that they had no choice but to live with.

She will want you to be financially stable. After all, how will you be able to take care of her and your future children if you aren’t? Natural selection for women is for them to weed out the non-husband material men and those who are not only selfish, but also not family-material in general.

You can be good-looking all you want, but in the end, women will fall in love with men who have a big heart.

Make her laugh

Who doesn’t love a man with a sense of humor? A lot of women tend to fall in love with men who can make them happy. They will gravitate towards someone who is capable of making them smile no matter the situation. Because if your lady is feeling sad and blue, she will need you to cheer her up.

Be a charmer if you can be. Just don’t overdo it. You can joke about a lot of things, but remember what’s decent and what isn’t.


Not a lot of guys do this. The majority of them just like tooting their own horn. They think it’s sexy to flex their achievements on women, thinking that it’s going to make girls like them. Newsflash: It doesn’t.

If you’re going to engage in a conversation, don’t forget that you’re supposed to listen half the time too. If you’re the one who keeps on talking, that’s not a conversation. Also, ask her questions. Ask about her life and interests. Be nice, and be a gentleman most of all.

Remember to groom yourself properly

It’s one thing to wear expensive and nice clothes, but if you don’t follow that up with simple things like bathing, shaving, and brushing your teeth, then you can kiss your chances with a girl goodbye.

Filipinas are well-groomed and make a lot of effort to look pretty. The least you can do is smell nice, be hygienic, and trim your beard properly. You don’t have to be handsome to get the girl. Just be well-groomed and you’ll be alright.

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Chantana Sun
Chantana Sun

Written by Chantana Sun

Online Dating Top Writer | Relationship Consultant and Blogger for Asian Love Mates

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