Do Age Gaps Really Matter to Filipinas?
What are your thoughts on dating someone older or younger than you?
Most people would think, “Wouldn’t it be much better to date someone within your age range?”
It is indeed much more convenient to have a partner who is in the same life stage as you are, but we can’t really dictate who our heart chooses — even if it’s someone much older.
The question of whether age matters in relationships is a long-running debate that has been going on since time immemorial. Some people think age gaps do matter because of the varying level of maturity associated with a person’s age. Some think otherwise mainly because age doesn’t always dictate how mature a person is.
These are both valid points to consider when dating someone much younger or older than you. There will always be factors to consider in a relationship, both good and bad. It’s all about figuring out what works for you in the long run.
But what about Filipinas? Does it matter to them?
Generally speaking, not a lot of Filipas care much about age gaps. There’s no telling what exactly they will do when an older man is interested in dating them.
So before you get around to dating Filipina, it’s best to ask yourself “Is age a deciding factor?”
What The Survey Says
The Social Weather Station conducted a poll on Valentine’s Day of 2019 with about 1,440 Filipina participants. They were asked whether age gaps matter in a relationship or not.
Here are the survey’s findings:
Filipina participants in their teens and early twenties said they would prefer to date someone within their age range. Most agreed that the acceptable age gap would be 3 years.
Filipinas, who are at the ideal age for marriage, are likely to date someone regardless of age. These Filipinas are at the stage of their life where they are actively seeking a potential partner for marriage, so they are more open to trying new things out.
Filipinas over 34 years old are generally unwilling to be in a relationship with someone 10 years younger than them. They would prefer to be with someone older.
With the exception of the Filipinas aged 18–24, there is almost an equal number of Filipinas who both agree and disagree that age does matter.
Why Age Gaps Are a Deciding Factor for Filipinas
When you see a couple with a noticeable age difference between them, it’s quite easy to assume who is the more mature one in the relationship.
But are they really as old as they look?
People would often determine a stranger’s age based on appearances. Are there clear signs of wrinkles? Or receding hairlines? If so, you can probably guess that they are older.
In the case of Filipinas, however, guessing their age can be quite tricky. Well, that may be because Asians age slower than Westerners. Most people are easily fooled by how Asians look young for their age — and Filipinas are no exception to that.
Filipinas are often noted for their petite figure and their baby cheeks, so it can be difficult to guess their ages.
It’s one of the main reasons why Filipinas tend to be conscious when dating an older foreign man. Because of how young they look, the contrast between their age is quite obvious even to the untrained eye.
Filipinas dating an older foreign man often earn a few curious looks from the public. Although it makes them feel conscious at times, they know how to deal with it. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have gotten into the relationship in the first place.
Why Filipinas Prefer to Date Older Men
So what do older men have that younger men don’t?
For starters, they have ample life experiences and a sense of responsibility.
Men are known to mature much later than women, both mentally and physiologically. It’s why most men don’t actively seek out a relationship until their early thirties. Women have a biological timer that pressures them early on in a relationship. For them, having a baby at a later age can risk both the life of the baby and the mother.
Because men don’t face the same dilemma, their 20s are much more laid back in dating. It is only when they reach their 30s that they start taking relationships seriously.
What’s more, older men are also much more mature and financially secure — which makes them all the more appealing to most women.
Filipinas are the kind to date with the intent to marry. They treasure each and every one of their relationships, never taking anything for granted. But because these women give so much, they are often disappointed when their partner barely puts any effort into making it work.
With older men, Filipinas are much more assured that they will have the same desired outcome in mind — which is a stable and healthy long-term relationship.
Making the Relationship Work
Although age is indeed a factor for Filipinas, it does not ultimately decide who they choose to be with. For most of them, a man’s positive traits and his appeal are more important than the number of gray hairs on his head.
In other words, most Filipinas believe that there is more to a person than their age. They are not the superficial kind who cares if you make six figures or not. They would rather have someone who truly cares for them and treats them with respect.
If that’s something you can provide, regardless of your age, you’ll have a fair shot at these women.
However, it cannot be avoided that the people in your life (and hers) will have something to say about your relationship. Don’t let it get to you.
Age gaps will only be a hindrance if you allow them to be. If you and your partner are dedicated to making it work, it will work.
It’s your choice who you want to date, not theirs. Instead of dwelling on what others have to say about your relationship, enjoy your time together.
Your time worrying about others is better spent with each other.
If you’re lucky enough to date a Filipina who loves you as deep as the Marianas Trench, cherish her. You’ll never find someone else like her ever again.
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