How You Will Find Love While Traveling

Chantana Sun
4 min readSep 2, 2023

In truth, finding love while traveling is probably easier than trying to find love back at home.

Photo by Duncan Adler on Unsplash

Let’s be real. Staying at home and waiting for something to happen is what most people do. It’s also why a lot of men stay single. The truth of the matter is that you are not going to find someone if you just keep sitting at home.

Get out there. Meet people. Have fun! If you need to, uproot yourself and go traveling.

There are so many people that end up finding the love of their life because they went traveling abroad. There is no guarantee that you will find a life partner in your home country, so increase the probabilities by going out and exploring the world instead.

Ways to Meet Women When Traveling

1. Join walking tours

Whether you are looking for love or just want to have fun on these trips, it’s best to know about the place you’re visiting. And what better way to get to know the country than by joining a number of group tours?

These tours will not only allow you to learn more about the unfamiliar country, but also meet people that are like you. Most people who are part of the tour are basically on the same boat. Some might be more experienced and even knowledgeable than the others, but you can make friends by asking for help. A lot of them are eager to help too.

And if you happen to meet a pretty girl during these tours, then all the better.

2. Say yes to parties

If you’ve made friends during your travels and they invite you to a party or to explore new locations, accept their invitation! Traveling is all about experiencing new things. Travelers find love easily because they aren’t afraid to look for it in unexpected places.

People need to be reminded that love happens to people who least expect it. What you need to do is adapt and expect the unexpected.

So say yes to parties. Talk to strangers. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, to get some advice, or to strike up a conversation.

3. Visit an Ex-Pat Bar

If you ever want to go to a place where you can just relax and hang out with wanderers such as yourself, visit a bar. You will find other tourists and travelers like you. It’s the best area to be if you want companionship. You just drink, eat, and talk to people that are also traveling the country, all while getting some insider tips and advice.

Tips for Dating and Traveling

In the event that you do find a date while you’re traveling — because let’s face it, you will if you try — you should know some tips on how to make it work. Just because you found love doesn’t mean you should compromise your traveling experience.

Use apps

Installing important travel and navigation apps on your phone will come in handy, as you may already know. Google Maps is one of them, seeing as it’s what everyone uses to get from point A to point B. Since you’ll be somewhere unfamiliar, it’s in your best interest not to get lost.

It would also benefit you to look up what mode of payment the country you are visiting uses. Going for cash is good, but some countries don’t even have easy-to-access ATMs. You can also ask the locals you’ve made friends with or do more research.

Learn the language

Some countries don’t speak English very well and it’s going to make your traveling experience a bit difficult. Before you set out for your adventure, make sure that you at least know the basic sentences, greetings, and simple words in the language of the country you’ll be visiting. If you aren’t confident enough, download an app that helps. You can even bring a dictionary if you want. And no, you won’t be judged for it.

There is no need to be fluent in this case, but it certainly helps if you are. Your partner will help you most of the time, but do you really want to be what the locals will refer to as “the foreigner?”

Even if you technically are a foreigner, it doesn’t mean you have to be helpless without your partner around.

Make the First Move and Enjoy the Ride

If you have certain goals and dreams in life, nothing will happen unless you do something about it. If you feel stuck and lonely, go online and book a ticket. Go to matchmaking sites and book a tour. Get out of the house and make a change.

Traveling is easier said than done, true, but it’s better to do something rather than just sit around. You will find love when you get out there. You just have to take that first step.



Chantana Sun

Online Dating Top Writer | Relationship Consultant and Blogger for Asian Love Mates