Is Love at First Sight Possible?
Infatuation is temporary. Love grows.
When you first meet someone that you have an undeniable connection to, you might feel as though they’re the one. This may lead you to think “Is this the person I am meant to be with forever?” or “Has your fated partner finally arrived?”
This is when you start believing in the magic of love at first sight. It’s a romantic cliché that’s been used over and over again by novelists and poets. They talk about how it’s a love spell of some sort that compels even the mightiest of kings down on their knees.
But is “love at first sight” really love?
These days, people are quick to mistake infatuation for love. Infatuation, much like love, is a deep and intense feeling of affection you feel for a person. But the deeper you dive in, you understand that love is leagues different from affection.
Infatuation is temporary. Love grows.
Love at first sight is nothing more than infatuation. You can’t claim “love” when you barely know anything about that person besides their physical appearance. Maybe it’s their beauty that entranced you, but that’s more of attraction than it is love.
Get to know the person first and figure out if you’re compatible as a couple. If your feelings remain the same, even after you intimately get to know them, that might finally be the love you are looking for.
Do Fated Partners exist?
If you think about it, it is actually selfish to think that there is someone out there specifically tailored to be your perfect person. No one is built solely for the purpose of others.
Lifetime partners are meant to complement us, not make us dependent upon them.
This is the problem with codependent relationships being romanticized by modern media. They talk about how they literally “need each other” or how “they can’t live without each other.” There are two things wrong with this: this isn’t healthy and this isn’t love.
Romantic love is great, but many people are led to believe that they must have it, immediately and unconditionally, in order to live a meaningful existence. This is what drives people to be desperate and grab whatever closest form of affection there is.
Funny enough, this doesn’t lower their standards, which is supposed to be a good thing. But people’s standards have gotten far too unreasonable. You might as well build an android and call it your dream lover.
The irony of these people finding the “perfect partner” is that they can’t even be a decent partner. They talk about how their partners should be all this and that but they can’t even show some basic respect.
Don’t wait for the perfect partner to come to you. Instead, be the best partner you can be. You don’t have to necessarily tailor yourself to fit someone else’s wants. As long as you’re the best version of yourself, you’re more than set to find yourself in a happy and healthy relationship.
Focus on improving yourself, and the time will come when you attract someone who is deserving of your love.