Tired of Waiting for Love to Find You? Here’s What One Guy Has to Say about His Experience

Chantana Sun
3 min readSep 21, 2023
a man and a woman happily staring into the camera while on an interview
Tour client Jesse B. with Grace, his soon-to-be-wife

Love comes to you when you least expect it.

You may think that sounds too dramatic, but in real life, it has happened way too many times for it to be untrue.

Most of us seek a life partner, and it’s not surprising for this subject to come up in conversations, especially between friends and family. After all, there’s nothing wrong with having a yearning for love because we all need it.

The only thing that’s wrong is becoming impatient because it doesn’t help you find a partner much faster, and what’s worse is you’ll come off as desperate and needy. And we all know that’s not attractive at all.

Below are some key points to remind you that patience is, ultimately, a virtue, even in love.

Being too desperate is an indicator of weakness.

A weak personality mirrors low self-esteem. When you appear too eager about making someone your life partner, you’re only ruining your chances of having a potential relationship with them. You fail to realize that you tend to be too transparent during your conversations, gradually losing the appeal before attracting the other person.

Keep in mind the law of attraction.

You’re not always encouraged to try too hard.

This concept implies that the positive energy you give off will attract others around you. If you want love to find its way to you, you need to be patient. Attract the things you want and you’ll eventually have them when you’re ready.

Finding love doesn’t have to be like pulling teeth.

Mitch Albom got it right when he said that love comes when you least expect it. Psychologically, taking your mind off things eventually makes it happen. So if you’ve been waiting for someone to come around, turn your focus on other things temporarily.

Rushing things doesn’t give you the best results.

Finding a person who loves you for you is one of the best things in the world, and forcing it is not always rewarding. Know that it’s important to get to know a person deeply rather than just focusing on superficial attraction.

But does this work?


Take, for example, Grace and Jesse, who met by chance. Both grabbed the opportunity to find their better half and kept a hopeful stance about how things are going to be. Unexpectedly, they met on one fateful night. Now, they’re officially engaged.

Being patient has its rewards.

Life, in general, is beyond our control. What happens every day can either be according to what we want or exactly the opposite. Regardless of whether we put in 100% of our effort into something, we can’t expect to have the result we want all the time.

Most of you might say life is hardly ever fair. But in some ways, it is. Similarly, love is a lot more reasonable if you have a good attitude towards it because keeping a positive outlook will take you further in life.

You should know that finding love doesn’t have to be a burden. If it is, then maybe it’s not love you’re looking for. Even when you feel like the world is against you, don’t get carried away and remain positive about things.



Chantana Sun

Online Dating Top Writer | Relationship Consultant and Blogger for Asian Love Mates