Signs That Your Woman Is Leading You On
When you’re trying to get into a serious relationship, it can be more than upsetting to find out that the girl you like is only playing games with you.
If you have your doubts because of previous experience, it’s understandable. Just in case you aren’t sure if your girl is being genuine, here are signs to look out for.
1. She wants you to keep your relationship a secret.
She calls you her “good friend” whenever she introduces you to her friends and laughs off anyone who teases you together. This means she doesn’t want to acknowledge that you two are a thing. She might not even see you as a boyfriend. It’s possible that if she’s like this, then you’re nothing but a pastime to her.
A girl like that will never turn serious in a relationship. You are better off letting her go since she doesn’t want to stick with you anyway.
2. Being distant and moody (and then suddenly wanting you)
This is a sign of a woman thinking of you as an afterthought. You’re not the first thing that comes to her mind when she’s happy or upset. She thinks your affections are a nuisance. This is mostly the reason why she cringes away from your romantic gestures and advancements. But if she’s upset and wants someone to make her feel validated, she turns to you.
A genuine lover thinks of you and cares about what you think. She wouldn’t be distant. She would come to you right away if something happened.
3. Not including you in her future plans
A relationship means you will talk about your future numerous times. But if she talks about her future plans, her goals, and vacation plans, and they don’t include you, then it’s obvious you aren’t even an afterthought.
If she’s like this, then she may not see you as a long-term partner. You are probably just a temporary thing for her.
4. Cutting off any conversation about the relationship
If she is reluctant to discuss the future of your relationship, it’s likely she’s worried about hurting you once she realizes she doesn’t want the same thing as you. So she avoids the whole conversation in general.
You might as well make it easy for her and let her know what you really think. If she’s unwilling to talk about it, then don’t push. She’s only going to pull back further and even distance herself to avoid the entire conversation.
Know when to cut your losses
Rip off the band-aid. You want a serious relationship, but she isn’t willing to give it. She may change her mind in the future, but unless you’re okay with waiting for that to happen, then cut your losses.
You have other options. There are so many beautiful women out there who are looking for a serious relationship, just like you. Go out and look for them instead of settling with someone who clearly doesn’t view you for your worth.
Save yourself the heartache and move on. Be with someone who will love you instead of someone who thinks of you as a second thought.
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