Ways You Can Make a Thai Woman Fall For You

Chantana Sun
3 min readAug 30, 2023

Make a lady from Thailand fall for you.

It isn’t difficult.

The same can be said for all women around the world.

The key?

Just be a gentleman.

It isn’t rocket science, fellas.

Photo by Vin Stratton on Unsplash

Still, everyone needs a helping hand sometimes. Just because it’s easy for others doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone.

For those of you having difficulty wooing a woman, eyes here. Here are some tips to help you:

1. Your first impressions

First impressions matter. If you want to make a good first impression, greet her with the Thai Wai before introducing yourself. This Thai greeting is done with a slight bow while your palms are pressed together in a prayer-manner. It’s simple, and it’s better than hugging. Remember, Thailand doesn’t like physical displays of affection, so refrain from them.

Aside from that, here are some other factors to take note of:

  • Have good hygiene
  • Dress smart
  • Eye contact
  • Learn the language
  • Be respectful of her country and culture

2. Be generous

Most Asian women determine a man’s worth through his ability to provide. It can’t be helped when a lot of them have lived in poverty all their life. A man that can help provide for a woman and her family is a man worthwhile in their eyes. This is why being generous is key here.

However, even if you’re wealthy enough to give her everything, it won’t matter if you aren’t respectful.

3. Be a gentleman

A lot of you keep hearing about it, but not enough of you are practicing it. Many of you forget how to act like gentlemen. Even if it’s just being courteous.

Don’t get too caught up in yourself when you’re talking to her. Be proactive in being kind. If you’re not sure what acts qualify as “gentlemanly,” then start with the small list below:

  • Open doors for her
  • Pull up her seat
  • Give her your jacket if it’s cold
  • Pay for her
  • Speak kindly

4. Compliment her

Compliments are always welcome. Women especially enjoy hearing them from their partners regularly. Start with something simple like “You have pretty eyes” or “I like your smile.”

Be careful not to overdo it. Laying it on thick will creep any girl out.

What NOT to do

Now that you know what you can do to improve your chances with a Thai girl, here are factors you should keep in mind. Try to avoid doing any of the following:

  • Hugging her in public
  • Being pushy even if she says no
  • Wearing shorts to temples

Good luck!

As long as you’re being respectful, you should be good. Most women will give a man a chance as long as he dresses well and treats people with respect.

Remember that the lady you’re trying to court is a foreign woman. What you think you know about women may not apply. Be open-minded about what could happen, and you would be surprised at what she might say or do if you really got her to like you.

With that in mind, good luck in getting the girl, soldier.

Chantana Sun
Chantana Sun

Written by Chantana Sun

Online Dating Top Writer | Relationship Consultant and Blogger for Asian Love Mates

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