What Asian Women Go Through While Dating An American
Most, if not all Asian women, have to go through several forms of negativity and harassment for marrying westerners. Unfortunately, they get this treatment from their fellow Asians, particularly, the men.
It’s baffling, so why do they do this?
These are confusing times when it comes to racial issues, and that’s something that needs to be addressed. It’s a single subtopic that’s been gaining attention.
Interracial couples. Well, to be specific, it’s when Asian women date western men. There is baggage there that happens to be emotional, cultural and historical, weighing down everyone involved, basically making it a divisive issue.
So what exactly is going on here?
Asian Women Dating Westerners
Interracial dating has become a widely acceptable thing over the years. Yet, we still have several problems concerning them. Not from the couple, no, but from the people that aren’t even involved in their relationship. People from either side of the couple’s spectrum sometimes don’t understand why the couple are even together in the first place. This leads them to judge and make comments, disregard any sense of human decency and sometimes bully them online. All because they don’t agree with their choice for romance.
An example of this situation would be the men from the woman’s side. Due to their loyalty to their country, they violently disagree with the lady’s choice to marry a westerner instead of a fellow Asian, saying that she will be the reason that they will die out. None of these words are true, of course, but the fact that they say them is truly worrying.
It begs the question, why do they do this? Is it truly because of their concern for pure-blooded Asians dying out? Or maybe it’s from insecurity for not picking one from their side? What’s going to happen if it was the other way around and it was an Asian man marrying or dating a western woman? Is this fair for Asian women?
Would an Asian woman start dating a fellow Asian man after the harassment? No, she will not. If that had been their plan all along then they need to start thinking of a better way because a woman will date whoever she wants, not because someone told her to. And if she happens to be in love, then it is best to accept this than make comments about it.
Rather than bullying them into submission, wouldn’t it be more productive to be welcoming and understanding? It would show that not only is everyone here mature but also willing to break down barriers for the sake of the union. Being an accepting and understanding person is so much better than the alternative, isn’t it?
Fighting Against The Asian Stereotype
If you wish to date Asian women because of what you see in movies and pop-culture, then you are stereotyping. You probably have what is called the “Asian Fetish”.
It is a bit understandable, in a way. You have your preferences and you have your ideals. However, Googling “how to meet Asian women” with the idea of trying to find and date the “ideal” woman, one who is supposedly submissive and docile, will leave you most likely disappointed.
Keep an open mind. It is the year 2021. Changes have been happening for more than 6 years and stereotypes are what they are: just stereotypes.
Interracial dating problems stem from misconceptions sometimes and you might end up having several issues in the future if you do marry your “ideal” woman. Don’t go dating someone from a certain country and expect them to be this and that. Everyone, Asian women, Western men, Europeans and so on, are different from each other. Diversity is beautiful so it is best to understand and accept it.
Unfortunately, a lot of women who have married western men suffer from more interracial dating struggles than one might expect. People already expect them to be in some way just because of their skin color and what they see on television. Don’t accidentally hurt them by stereotyping them. Love your chosen partner for who she is and not WHAT she is.
At the end of the day, you are going to be with someone you love. Those who judge you for your choice of dating an Asian woman are people from the sidelines. They shouldn’t be anyone important that you would listen to them and their negative comments regarding your relationship.
Asian Women Are People Too
They hear what is being said about them, they just don’t let it show. These messages have real-world consequences for these women. People might think that they aren’t harming anyone because these are just words, however these so-called “harmless” words resonate within them a lot more than you might think.
Think about it this way. For someone who has lived all their life being told that they should be like this, or that other people from a different country actually think like that, is it easy to hear someone else — a complete stranger who doesn’t know anything about them — tell them that what they’re doing is completely wrong?
It’s easy to write perfect prose about love and commitment. What’s not easy is to live through the fact that love comes with the consequences of other people throwing their opinions at you. Do you want to let them win by letting their venomous words get to you?
Of course not!
Obstacles, no matter how bothersome, are just that. You get through them and then you don’t have to bother about them later on. Treat these people who judge you as that and focus on why you’re here in the first place.
And for the lucky men in love with a beautiful Asian woman. Well, what kind of man would you be if you don’t defend your lady love, right?
Not Everyone Is Stereotypical
Despite the foulness that happens from the bullying online, there are many people who don’t judge someone just because of their skin color and choices.
People go through the same hassle as you do and it just so happens that a lot of them aren’t as foul as some of the bullies online are. Not everyone is your judgmental aunt or your nosy neighbor. A higher percentage of the people around the world are legitimately nice people.
You just need to hang out with these people more instead of the toxic ones that surround you.
Remember, you are the one in love, not them. It’s your choice to be with someone because you have feelings, not because some judgmental Judy told you so. Now that you know what Asian women have to go through to be with you, appreciate the one you’re dating more. Because she appreciates you a lot more than you think.