Why Asian Women Make The Best Wives
When it comes to marriage, Asian women are often the polar opposite of their western counterparts. Learn why they top the list in terms of marriageability.

Have you ever wondered what it takes to make a marriage last a lifetime? Marriage isn’t some happily-ever-after story like the ones you see in fairy tales. It takes consistent hard work, respect, and commitment from both sides. Love? Yes, perhaps a bit of that as well. Most importantly, both partners need to be all in on it, no ifs and buts. And for many Asian women, marriage is a calling.
Women in Asia make great wives. Does that mean the rest of the female population don’t? Absolutely not. But there are glaring differences in how Asian ladies view and handle relationships that simply make marrying one more attractive and perhaps more practical than their western counterparts.
There is a growing sentiment of disinterest and even fear among western men when it comes to dating and commitment. There are those who feel that the modern western social climate has made western women difficult to date, much less marry. Fairly or unfairly, there is a growing perspective that women in the west are becoming too bitter, arrogant, and resentful to date.
Another hurdle the modern man faces is how technology has made everything too “instant.” Dating online is a trend nowadays. The best dating apps allow you to book a date in seconds after merely viewing someone’s profile. Unfortunately, there is nothing instant about a healthy and productive marriage.
Marriage is a life calling. You don’t just get married. Marriage happens when two people decide that they are sincerely motivated to, are duly compatible, and are committed to being married.
In this sense, Asian women make the best candidates as potential life-long partners because they generally possess the right temperament, motivation, and personalities for marriage.
1. They are classically feminine.
For men who are attracted to natural and unabashed femininity, an Asian woman is at the top of the list. Not only do these ladies act the part, but they look the part as well. Asian girls in general possess slim, graceful figures, mostly due to a combination of diet and genetics. They do not have any particularly pronounced body features, giving the impression that they are timid, warm, and non-threatening.
An interesting stereotype about Asian women is that they always seem younger than their age. For whatever reason this is, they have the ability to age gracefully and remain attractive in their older years.
2. They are easier to get along with.
Perhaps as broad a generalization as any, this is mostly due to the fact that Asian women do not carry as much emotional baggage as their western counterparts. Asians are in many ways tolerant and respectful people. They do not like to be controversial, and should they have a negative thing to say, they usually keep it to themselves.
Compared to western women, Asians are not as vocal when it comes to social issues. While a valid point of discussion in any country, women in Asia would rather stay away from potentially heated subjects.
Assertiveness is not a feature prominent in an Asian woman. Don’t mistake it for a lack of inner strength, they have no shortage of that. However, Asian wives in particular aim to please their husbands and rather than opposing them at every turn, they instead choose to be more considerate of their decisions.
3. Asian women want to marry you.
Let’s begin with the fact that in Asian countries, marriage was and continues to be an aspiration of most women and their families. In short, marriage is a cultural norm and goal. By nature or nurture, Asian ladies grow up believing that their life trajectory leads to them having a family and raising children. They are raised to excel in domestic activities like cleaning and cooking.
Even while nowadays a great percentage of the Asian female population have successful professional careers, the sense of inclination or obligation to marry remains. In a nutshell, Asian women want to marry. A few minutes of research on serious dating sites will affirm this assertion.
Not only do they want to marry, but a great many of them desire to marry foreign men as well. This is exciting news, leaving many western men scouring the internet on how to meet Asian women.
A wonderful thing about these ladies is how they value hard work and intelligence. It doesn’t matter if you’re not the best looking guy in town. You can be a nerd or have been deemed unattractive where you’re from, but to Asian girls, that’s not important as long as you work hard and have life goals. In short, any man worth his salt has a chance with an Asian woman.
4. They will take care of you.
Women in Asia are not as submissive as they are responsible. They value the maternal role in the family as much as they value your role as a paternal figure. What’s more is that they will take care of you for as long as you continue to breathe on this earth.
If you marry an Asian lady, barring unforeseen circumstances, you will not end up in some nursing home.
They also understand your need to feel masculine and confident. They understand that in order for you to be successful, they don’t have to overpower you. What they do instead is prop you up. They support you, make you feel like the man of the house. And in difficult times, they will stand by you. This is the ultimate sign of strength, something that is inward and unwavering. Not meaningless displays of aggression.
Make the Best Choice for Yourself
Whether you choose to meet one online or by actively touring Asian countries, you will begin to understand that dating an Asian woman is not something to be taken lightly.
Whether you find a woman in China, Thailand, or the Philippines, and there are many, a relationship must be ripened with time and effort before it can move to the next level of commitment. If you need to visit the girl of your dreams multiple times, then do it. Why? Because Asian women WILL commit to you. Their hearts are not something to fiddle with.
If you believe that all that’s missing in your life is that special someone with all the traits of a lifetime partner and she’s halfway around the world, then you need to get over there and find her. If it’s a wife you’re looking for, few make better lifelong spouses than Asian women.