8 Valuable Lessons a Thai Woman Can Teach You
“You make me want to be a better person.”
How many times have we seen this quote on a postcard or heard it on a run-of-the-mill romcom? It’s as cliché as cliché gets. But stop for a moment and think. There is a reason why being with the right person can enrich your life.
If you are a man who has long contemplated going to Thailand and marrying one of the locals, I have one question for you: what are you waiting for?
Thailand seems to have become some sort of haven, a destination of choice if you will, for thrill-seeking individuals and middle-aged men having a midlife crisis. Whichever flavor of tea you prefer, traveling to this Southeast Asian country has been a source of refuge, renewal, and revival for restless souls.
Be it the stunning tropical beaches, the solemnity of the temples, the timid weather, the warm, friendly people, there are just so many compelling reasons to be there.
There are just as many compelling reasons to be with a Thai woman.
What is the hallmark of a great relationship? It makes you better. It makes you grow. The prerequisite of course is that you go into the relationship with the right attitude. You need to love as much as being loved.
Don’t go into a relationship for selfish reasons. Don’t go looking for someone to mess around with, only to ditch her the morning after.
If you want the best for you, go in with an open mind and an open heart. So let’s go through a list of things you can learn by being in a relationship with a Thai woman.
1. The value of matriarchy
It isn’t a matriarchy in Thailand in the sense that society there is systematically female-centric. What this means is that there is great respect and emphasis on women as maternal figures.
A Thai woman will raise and nurture your children. She will be a good wife to her husband. Her strength is not in the physical, but by her composure. There has to be a balance in the roles of men and women in the household. For women in Thailand, fulfilling this role to the best of their abilities is a show of character.
2. The value of femininity
In the west, going against the grain or rebelling against authority is seen as a form of self-expression — being who you truly are inside. Thai women value their femininity. They believe that their beauty can best be displayed by proper feminine behavior. Just by the way they dress and sit, you begin to appreciate the classic beauty that they radiate.
3. Respect and politeness
It is easy to see why Asians are stereotyped as calm, respectful, and noble people whenever you are in Thailand. Bowing, nodding, and greeting are ingrained in the culture. Unlike in the west where “respect is earned” is the mantra, Thai people are taught to give respect first.
There is a reason why Thailand is “The Land of Smiles.” It isn’t just about saving face or looking good in public. They are truly nice people. You might surprise yourself the next time you look in the mirror. You’ll be smiling a lot more.
4. Valuing life outside the rat race
If you ever marry a Thai woman, consider living outside of the city and in the countryside. One of the reasons most western men end up settling in Thailand is the amazing change of pace. That and the much cheaper cost of living. Stay there long enough and you will realize that being around family, friends, and even nature are what matter in life.
5. Composure/chill
Thai women are very conscious about how they act in public. They avoid showing extreme emotions or public signs of affection. They also have this notion of not worrying too much. So when you are with them, you become less likely to be distressed about everyday issues.
This is probably why Thai women make excellent mothers, because they know how to keep their calm in otherwise hectic situations with their children. So what do you do when you run into problems in Thailand? Take a deep breath, go down to the living room and have a beer.
And if that doesn’t work, heading out to your local Thai massage place always helps.
6. Respect for the elderly
Thai people have very specific rules on respecting their elderly. These ways are quite formal, and if you are used to the casual way of treating elderly people in the west, you may end up in a bit of trouble.
So don’t treat your elderly Thai folk like they’re your friends. Put in a bit more distance between yourself and them and you should be fine. Mind your manners. When you get old yourself, it will be your turn to get that extraordinary level of respect. As an added bonus, your Thai partner will never leave you and never stop taking care of you.
7. A healthy respect for cooking
Cooking Thai food isn’t always as simple as ABC. There are lots of ingredients and spices involved, as well as the number of dishes that need to be served. And while your Thai partner may just do all the cooking, consider helping out.
One of the most beneficial things about cooking Thai food is that it draws you away from an unhealthy eating lifestyle. Instead of downing instant junk food, you use fresh market ingredients like vegetables, fish, chicken, and a great variety of spices. The cooking is so intricate and unique that even veggie dishes taste amazing.
8. Being multilingual
Or bilingual at best. This is probably the best way Thai people show tough love to foreigners — you need to learn a bit of Thai to get around. It’s incredible that for one of the most visited countries in the world and a place with huge expat communities, English isn’t that widely spoken.
If you plan to be with a Thai woman forever, then you will have to make the commitment to learn her language. She may love you forever, but she doesn’t have to do ALL the adjusting.
They say that there isn’t a better way to learn about the world than to travel. But is there a better way to learn about yourself than to be with a person from a totally different culture with almost a totally different personality from yourself?
If you have ever thought about marrying a Thai woman, and you are in the process of rediscovering who you really are and who you really want to be, then there is no better time to take action than now.